About Paul William Davis

Driven by a mission to save lives both literally and metaphorically, as an intuitive and empathic personal advisor I’m dedicated to guiding people towards their true life purpose and genius.
My unique blend of intuitive gifts and business growth acumen empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and live a life filled with joy, fulfilment, meaning and prosperity.

Paul William Davis

Driven by a mission to save lives both literally and metaphorically, as an intuitive and empathic personal advisor I’m dedicated to guiding people towards their true life purpose and genius.
My unique blend of intuitive gifts and business growth acumen empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and live a life filled with joy, fulfilment, meaning and prosperity.

Discovering Your True Purpose: The Magic Behind My Method

Since childhood, I’ve had an uncanny ability to “see” images, experience “knowings,” and gather insightful information about others’ life purposes.  Whether it’s due to my lineage of being the 7th son of a 7th, of a 7th — which in Ireland carries a heritage steeped in folklore of being “gifted” — or an extraordinary sixth sense, these insights have profoundly impacted my clients’ lives.
By fusing my extensive experience as a business growth consultant with my innate intuitive gifts and a meticulously developed methodology, I stand in a unique position to help you uncover your true life purpose and empower you to achieve remarkable results, both personally and professionally.
My mission is to reveal your authentic life purpose, guiding you to craft a life that not only honours it but also propels you toward your highest potential. Let me take you on a transformative journey, where we’ll connect deeply and ignite the spark that fuels your personal and professional growth. Together, we’ll create a life you’re truly meant to live.
Paul Davis - How to find your Life Purpose and Meaning in life

A Wealth of Expertise: Your Guide to a Life of Purpose and Success

As a member of the International Coach Federation, I bring a wealth of expertise to my clients. My credentials include being a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Consultants and Advisors, an NLP Business Practitioner, a University-approved trainer, a mentor with the Irish Stock Exchange, a trained facilitator with the Dr Demartini Institute and much more. My diverse background spans electrical engineering, computer programming, management accounting, taxation, human behaviour, spirituality and philosophy.
Over the years, I’ve supported countless organisations, transforming numerous unprofitable enterprises into multi-million Euro successes through my business consultancy, Davis Business Consultants. Working with business owners, celebrities and executives, from various industries worldwide, I have extensive experience in business development, marketing, finance, operations, and leadership, among other areas.
My personal pursuit of purpose and meaning, combined with a desire to validate my intuitive insights for clients, led me to develop The Genius Code™. This groundbreaking approach empowers my clients to reach new heights personally, spiritually, emotionally, and professionally by uncovering their unique life purpose and inner genius.
Though clients refer to me by various titles — personal advisor, business coach, mentor, guide, and more — two common phrases emerge: “game-changer” and “life-saver.” These words reflect the profound impact of the clarity, confidence, and results I provide in guiding clients toward their life purpose. As we work together, I strive to foster deep trust, connection, and confidence, creating an environment where clients feel safe to share even their most guarded secrets.
Ultimately, my mission is to save lives, both literally and metaphorically, by guiding individuals onto the right path for their life purpose and unlock their genius. No matter the title, my unwavering commitment is to help you flourish in every aspect of your life.

What is it like to collaborate with me?

Well I asked one of my clients and here’s what she emailed me…

Firstly I’d say your style is empowering and supportive. You empower the people you lead to lead themselves. You’re supportive to everyone you meet and have a genuine desire to reach people.

You’re definitely inspirational and thought-provoking. While you may challenge beliefs, you don’t do it in a provocative manner. You do it simply to serve, to get people to think about things differently. You either put it in the form of a question or a parable and then provide thought-provoking analysis and insights.

You are also 100% genuine and sincere, what you see/hear is what you get. You can poke fun at yourself to prove a point but you neither put yourself down nor elevate yourself to a level that isn’t relatable to.

After that, I’d say it’s calm and reliable, it’s no nonsense, no fuss – ‘let’s not lose the run of ourselves, everything is fine’ – kind of way. Equally you don’t suffer fools gladly, you can have a laugh but when the work needs to be done, it’s done.

And dare I mention the word loving. I know it’s not acceptable in the business world – I mean who wants to talk about love right? – but the opposite is fear and there is no fear when it comes to your style.

What's With All The Aviation References Paul?

You might be curious about the aviation theme on my website and in my work. Well, as a child, my dream was to become a pilot! Unfortunately, when I got my first pair of reading glasses at age 11, that dream was grounded since back then, you couldn’t fly a plane with corrective eyewear.
But that didn’t hold me back!
The spirit of flight has woven itself into my professional and personal life in various ways. I’ve worked in the aircraft maintenance industry, collaborated with clients in the airline sector, and have learned to fly small aircraft. I’ve experienced an array of aviation adventures, from piloting helicopters and hot-air balloons to gliding and skydiving (twice, with a parachute!). I’ve even done a Wing Walk on the wings of a high-powered Stearman Biplane performing aerobatics at 3,800 feet.
My passion for flight remains undiminished, and I eagerly await the day when I can soar into space! 😀

And speaking of experiences, I'm passionate about giving back.

Some of the most cherished moments of my life have been spent visiting meaningful projects in Cambodia and Kenya.
Being able to connect with those who benefit from our small support — whether it’s providing clean running water, bicycles for the children to get to school, building a mud-hut for a family, constructing a playground, bringing education for a brighter future, or protecting girls from trafficking — has taught me invaluable lessons, and I’m so grateful for each and every interaction.

On A Personal Note...

I’ve been married to Dymphna for over thirty years and we have two sons Mark and Ian, aged 29 and 27.

And here’s the latest addition to our family.

Her name is Moka, and she’s a 4-year-old cross between a German Shepherd and a Collie that we rescued – and she’s now the new boss in the house.

Moka is the only family member that I share photos of online so as to afford the others their own privacy – (but in reality, the others are all too camera shy!)

So there you have it…

Now that you've learned more about me, if you feel we could have an engaging and meaningful conversation, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm eager to connect and hear your story. Let's take the first step towards a transformative journey together—contact me today!

Oh, and One More Thing..

Throughout the years, I’ve observed that many clients seem to find me precisely when they need me the most. It’s astonishing — for both them and me!
Some clients can’t even pinpoint how they stumbled upon me, but the resulting conversations and insights have been nothing short of extraordinary and awe-inspiring.
So, if you’ve been waiting for a cosmic nudge or a sign from the Universe — this is it.
I eagerly anticipate our connection and the incredible journey ahead.

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